
Kim Bianca Burgess is the Senior Consultant for VCL Consulting Group, Inc. based in Bridgeport Connecticut. VCL Consulting Group, Inc. provides individual, team, and organizational performance improvement training. A paused Ph.D. student in Human and Social Services with a specialization in Nonprofit Administration, Kim Bianca has honed her three decades of training and performance skills to develop staff, leadership, and board members of nonprofit organizations.

In addition to Kim Bianca’s academic qualifications, she has over fifteen years of leading nonprofit boards. She currently chairs a newly formed organization, Seaview Community Development Corporation, Bridgeport, CT which focuses on community development through increasing affordable housing stock. She is the immediate past board chair of the East Side Neighborhood Revitalization Zone, Bridgeport, CT.

Some of her accomplishments included restructuring the community board of directors, creating a board work plan for consistency in meeting structures, frequencies, and responsibilities, and leading project-based activities to benefit the community at large. As past chair of Building Neighborhoods Together, Bridgeport, CT (formerly Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust), her contributions included chair of the executive committee, chair of the governance committee, and committee member of the nominating committee. Her most notable accomplishment included leading the organizational transition of the founding Executive Director to new leadership as well as transitioning board leadership upon completion of her tenure.

Recognizing the extreme lack of diversity in board leadership, Kim Bianca authored and facilitated SEAT (Skills. Equip. Act. Transform). SEAT is a ten-week training program that equips and presents residents from minority neighborhoods for board service to community-based nonprofit organizations.

As a professional speaker, facilitator, and educator, Kim Bianca’s extensive experience and service to nonprofit boards add significant value and practical application when equipping boards to perform their mission-directed work to its highest capacity. She is married to Rev. Gilbert Burgess, Pastor of Community Baptist Church, New Canaan, CT.