Dr. Ralph Ford was born and raised in Newark/Montclair, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Seton Hall Prep. He attended the University Bridgeport receiving a B.S. in psychology and a M.S. in counseling. He received his PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University Georgia, 1985. He held several professional positions at the University of Bridgeport including director, Project Upward Bound; assistant director of admissions; and counselor in the Division of Student Affairs. He worked for 28 years for the Greater Bridgeport Community Mental Health Center directing Community Outreach and Engagement Services, Care Management and the Behavioral Health Unit. He currently maintains a private practice in clinical psychology in Bridgeport.He has published several professional articles. He has held adjunct teaching positions at Housatonic Community College,the University Georgia, and the University of Bridgeport. He is the Board Chairman of Bridgeport Labs; He was a former chairman of the board for the Greater Bridgeport Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) and the KJR Mentoring program.He has been involved in City and State politics: He is a former city councilman; He serves on the Civil Service Commission, and he has been a Democratic District Leader for over 30 yearsand a lifetime member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He has been a member of M.O.V.E. Yacht Club since 1986. He has served as Commodore, Vice Commodore, Treasurer and Secretary of the Club. He currently serves on the city of Bridgeport Civil Service Commission.